If you want to do IP in Higashi-Mikawa, Shinmei!
Abundant and Diverse Clients
We are constantly in touch with cutting-edge technology and can handle a wide range of inventions in a wide variety of fields.
Skilled and Personable Colleagues
Good colleagues make life meaningful. We want to be an organization where each person can self-manage his or her own role while helping each other and improving each other through friendly competition.

Human resource development system cultivated over many years of experience
We assist your personal growth. We help even inexperienced person to acquire the necessary knowledge in a comprehensive manner so that they can demonstrate their strengths. We have a system in place for continuous study through participation in workshops held by various intellectual property organizations (such as the Japan Intellectual Property Association) as well as in-house training sessions.
Partner System Paves the Way for Future Management
“Century” of Shinmei Century is a declaration of our will for continuity. We want to be an organization that can be continued 100 years from now, with multiple generations continuing to pass the baton. To this end, we have adopted a partner system, under which anyone can become a partner if they have a proven track record. The articles of incorporation stipulate that no child within the third degree of kinship of a partner may join the firm, making it a non-family-owned business.

Work Environment

Colleagues who work with us

Patent Attorney (joined in 2012)

Patent Engineer (Joined in 2014)
Selection Process
- web-based recruiting
Selection will be made based on the data you send us.
Those who pass the screening will be informed of the details of the interview.
- Interview
Please bring your resume, work history, and statement of purpose on the day of the interview. Interview dates and times are negotiable.
- Offer of employment and entry into the company
We will inform you of the result as soon as possible after the interview. We will consult with you about the date of your entry into the company.
募集職種 | 【弁理士】【特許技術者】 |
業務内容 | 【弁理士】 国内外への特許等の出願業務、中間処理業務、調査業務等 【特許技術者】 国内外への特許等の出願補助業務、中間処理補助業務、調査業務等の補助業務 |
資格 | 理系の大卒・院卒の弁理士及び弁理士志望者(経験者優遇) |
勤務場所 | 【勤務地】 愛知県豊橋市大手町92番地 あいおいニッセイ同和損保豊橋ビル7階 【交通アクセス】 JR・名古屋鉄道「豊橋駅」より徒歩10分 豊橋鉄道(路面電車)「札木駅」より徒歩2分 豊鉄バス「新川駅」より徒歩4分 |
勤務時間 | 9:00~18:00 休憩時間/1時間 *残業ほぼなし |
給与 | 事務所規定による、経験に応じて相談 |
休日 | 実質年125日以上休み(年間休日107日+年間計画指定休13日+別途有給休暇5日) 【休日】完全週休2日制(土日) 【休暇】GW休暇、夏季休暇、年末年始休暇、慶弔休暇、育児休暇、介護休暇、有給休暇 |
待遇 | 昇給/随時、賞与/年4回 交通費全額支給、社会保険完備、退職金制度、健康診断 |